Extend your bulk messaging needs with the provided set of MsgClub SMS API. Our aim is to make SMS marketing easy and therefore we provide various bulk SMS programming API so that user need not get stuck in any situation and can send SMS from anytime, anywhere. However, businesses can use our SMS API’s for each & every purpose i.e single SMS API, personalize bulk SMS API, send SMS API etc.
Our developer team provides a wide range of bulk SMS API’s to their users which helps them to avoid unnecessary coding and effort during setup. Our powerful APIs serve the purpose of bulk messaging for your customers. So what are you waiting for? Discover appropriate bulk SMS API for your needs and utilize our services to its best.
We provide bulk SMS API to send billions of messages directly from your own system or third-party application. You can integrate our send bulk SMS API in JSON and XML post. Read below to see our APIs and their essential parameters.
Send Bulk SMS API
http://msg.msgclub.net/rest/services/sendSMS/sendGroupSms?AUTH_KEY=YourAuthKey&message=message&senderId=DEMOOS&routeId= 1&mobileNos=9999999999,9999999999&smsContentType=english
Parameters name with description

Parameters with description

Bulk Single SMS XML API
Parameters name with description

So, integrate it today your all needs are answered on one platform. Our team provides bulk SMS gateway API for each and every purpose. You can also integrate our sample codes as per your choice of programming language. You can send SMS using PHP, Java, Asp.net, VB 6.0 and more. Moreover, if you wish to send SMS in high volume than you can use our XML API.
Contact us to get more innovative solutions of our company, MsgClub!