How to Integrate API In Ezee, the No.1 Hotel Management Software

Today, the hotel industry is moving towards to the power of bulk text messaging to enhance their sales and business during off-peak seasons. With the use of SMS hotel and resort, industries are increasing the level of their promotional activities. They have started deploying providers API into the ezee software to sell their products and …

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Incredible Benefits of sending SMS from Jaze ISPManager

Jaze ISP Manager is a software launched by Jaze Networks that enables various Internet service providers to generally manage end-to-end activities of their business. However, bulk messaging is a perfect tool for them to reach their targeted audience instantly. MsgClub provides simple Jaze ISP software ”SMS integration” that helps you to create our gateway on …

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Why Did You need To Integrate Shilpi eAPex With MsgClub?

What is the biggest invention in this century that has transformed the lives of Shilpi soft users? Yes, indeed it is the bulk text SMS marketing. We can’t imagine how text messaging has become effective for businesses to reach a wide audience instantly. The introduction of mobile marketing services from another aspect is somehow encouraging …

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