Why use SMS API integration for Marg ERP software?

Yes, it’s quite understandable when you ask this question. We usually have seen that this is the first thing which comes to the mind of people when we ask them to use our SMS API integration with Marg ERP software. We, in this blog, are going to answer all of your queries, to quench your thirst to know why to use bulk SMS in Marg software?

What is the sole purpose behind anything that we use? To make things easier, right?

Correct. Anything, or literally everything we use makes our life uncomplicated, in one way or the other. That is the prime reason why we use them in our life. MsgClub’s bulk SMS API for Marg does exactly that for you. It makes your daily accounting and inventory management task easier and promotes your effortless working.

We know that you’ve been using Marg Software and MsgClub’s services separately for quite a while. Now the time has come to blend both of them to make the most, altogether. MsgClub’s SMS setup in Marg software will leave you in awe with a never-ending list of benefits that come along the way. Let’s have a look at some of them.

Benefits of SMS API integration with Marg ERP software

  • Speed and Reliability

Bulk SMS setup for Marg software by the MsgClub increases the speed and the reliability of your day-to-day accounting and inventory management tasks. This is so because it eliminates the need for doing several tasks like exporting contacts, creating reports, and feeding data for both the MsgClub and Marg software separately.

  • Send SMS via Spreadsheets

Our SMS integration auto-selects the contact numbers from any CSV file or spreadsheet. This saves your efforts that could have wasted in feeding contacts in MsgClub’s panel otherwise.

SMS API integration Marg software
  • SMS Ledger Statement

With our Marg software SMS integration, bulk SMS resellers and users can directly send, within an SMS, the ledger statement to any of the customers of theirs. This feature comes handy when you need to send a statement to your customer as it saves you from feeding ledger data in the panel. Moreover, you can SMS the reports generated from the Marg software straight to your clients/employees.

  • SMS Outstanding balance

Now you need not worry about notifying each of your customer or employee about his/her outstanding balance separately. Our SMS API integration will do it all for you.

  • Send SMS Reminders

With our SMS integration, you can inform your clients or employees about post-dated cheques/payment reminders, bank deposit reminders etc. via SMS right from the Marg software.

  • SMS Receipts on Payment

You can send payment receipts to your customers via SMS, using our SMS integration in Marg software. You even can send ‘Thank you’ SMS whenever they order something or make a payment.

Integrate SMS alert with Marg and have the liberty to get the best of both the applications. Manage accounts and inventories, and send the SMSes, wherever and whenever required, all at the same time. So, now when all your questions have been answered, we will suggest you wait for nothing and get the MsgClub’s SMS API integrated with Marg software. For any further assistance, contact us here.