How to schedule SMS for 3-4 times in a day in a single click?

We are glad to announce the new development at our interface. On our user-friendly platform now you’re able to send your text SMS campaigns on future date & time. This amazing feature is perfect when you know you’re not going to be available at the desk when you want messages to go out. You can …

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How to check balance in my account?

We have designed our bulk SMS panel that is very easy to use and understandable. We have over 35,000+ clients who’re already using our SMS gateway to send SMS campaigns. Recently we have got some questions regarding the balance of the account, some new clients are unable to find the total balance of their account …

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Why Did You need To Integrate Shilpi eAPex With MsgClub?

What is the biggest invention in this century that has transformed the lives of Shilpi soft users? Yes, indeed it is the bulk text SMS marketing. We can’t imagine how text messaging has become effective for businesses to reach a wide audience instantly. The introduction of mobile marketing services from another aspect is somehow encouraging …

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Why use SMS API integration for Marg ERP software?

marg software

Yes, it’s quite understandable when you ask this question. We usually have seen that this is the first thing which comes to the mind of people when we ask them to use our SMS API integration with Marg ERP software. We, in this blog, are going to answer all of your queries, to quench your …

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Smart Marketing for E-commerce Enterprises using ‘URL Shortener’

Hello there! Warm welcome from the MsgClub team. Reaching out customers for your business is a ‘must’ nowadays. With your bulk SMS marketing campaigns, you used to establish a unilateral and quite boring communication with your potential customers. Problems like not getting feedback from the customers, getting reported as spam etc are all water under …

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Why ‘URL Shortener’ is the best tool for your Marketing Campaign.

Yes, we know that you are owning a business, you’re offering best-in-class products and services, you’re happy with your own pace and everything is going as per your expectations. All fine. But, we have something for you to make you believe that the sky’s the limit, and we’ve got something to aid you in your …

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Filter DND and Non-DND Numbers via our NDNC Filter API

The utilization of DND scrubber is getting raise day-by-day. Many of the bulk SMS gateway providers like MsgClub are providing special service to filter mobile number status. Our DND filter is one of the best tool to fulfill your requirement. However, we also allow you to integrate our NDNC scrubber API into your application or …

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MsgClub’s Live Chat SMS add-on For Best Customer Support

Many business owners believe that live chat is another important tool to contact customers, just like email or phone. Out of 10, 8 times cases are resolved on the spot. You might be heard that quality customer service plays a crucial role in business. Customers are the key who spread the word about you and …

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Configure MsgClub Live Chat SMS Plugin Services In Easy Manner

MsgClub, India’s no.1 bulk SMS gateway provider offer an easy configuration of SMS services into Live Chat SMS Plugin. Live Chat is an online service used by several small and large organization for live support to all visitors. Many entrepreneurs use Live Chat as a single point of contact to manage customers queries and issues …

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Who should Become a Bulk SMS Reseller?

Becoming a Bulk SMS Reseller is not a get quick scheme. Though the reseller business possesses less risk and high-profit margins but still by the same token, it’s not a work from home program or quick way to build a business. A successful company requires marketing knowledge at its core. The potential Bulk SMS Reseller should have a client base and …

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