How to send SMS by their name manually?

Searching for a way to send bulk SMS messages to your customers by adding their name into the content? Then you’re at the right platform because MsgClub team members are offering you ‘Personalize SMS’ so that you can send notifications or reminders to your recipients along with their name & other personal details like account …

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Why Did You need To Integrate Shilpi eAPex With MsgClub?

What is the biggest invention in this century that has transformed the lives of Shilpi soft users? Yes, indeed it is the bulk text SMS marketing. We can’t imagine how text messaging has become effective for businesses to reach a wide audience instantly. The introduction of mobile marketing services from another aspect is somehow encouraging …

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MsgClub’s SMS API Integration For Focus ERP Software

Hello readers! Team MsgClub has come up this time with an ultimate business solution for you – our SMS API integration Focus ERP software. This service from the MsgClub is sure to be a delighting business experience for you. Our bulk SMS API integration solution has been developed by our enthusiastic team for satisfying the …

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The configuration of Jewelry Software With MsgClub Bulk SMS API

Jwelly a complete jewelry business management software is one of the best software available. Many of the jewelry businesses have been using it for years to manage their business simply. Well, in the era of the competitive market, shop owners want to start their marketing for products. Along with this, they want the best tool …

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Missed Call Service – A Better Way To Approach Your Prospects

Missed call marketing is definitely a proven way to grab the attention of prospects. What makes it different from others is that it’s a bilateral connection between a brand and its customers. Unlike other marketing mediums, the SMS you send using missed call alert service contains a unique number on which the prospects have to …

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Why ‘URL Shortener’ is the best tool for your Marketing Campaign.

Yes, we know that you are owning a business, you’re offering best-in-class products and services, you’re happy with your own pace and everything is going as per your expectations. All fine. But, we have something for you to make you believe that the sky’s the limit, and we’ve got something to aid you in your …

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URL Shortener – A boon to the industry of SMS marketing

Returns have been of the utmost importance to everyone when it comes to making investments. Gone are the days when you had no idea why were you not receiving as many responses and outcomes from your SMS marketing campaign as you estimated. Now, with the advent of URL shorteners, it has become extremely easier for …

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URL Shortener – Unleash the power of a click

Do you ever wonder why aren’t you getting the customer base of your expectations? What may be the reason behind this deficiency of your SMS marketing campaigns? Want to make even more money that you’ve always dreamt of? To your utter astonishment, we do have an astoundingly good solution to all of your problems. Come …

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Easy Way To Install MsgClub Mozilla Firefox SMS Extension

After the great appreciation received on Chrome plugin, we have launched one more innovative solution for your business. Bulk SMS Mozilla extension of MsgClub helps you to quickly send SMS from the browser, it doesn’t hinder your important online work. This plugin adds the ability to create and send SMS with the same type of …

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Run SMS Marketing Campaign effortlessly with MsgClub Click Tracking Short URL

The most important aspect of running any advertising and marketing campaign is finding a way to measure its performance, the results of the campaign. An American management guru said – “What gets measured gets managed”. This simply implies that you can manage your Bulk SMS Short Url marketing campaigns if you have measurable results of SMS campaigns with you. MsgClub Click …

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