Placement companies and Bulk SMS services

If you want to make your consultancy the best in the services. This post will help you to know how consultancies can use Bulk SMS Services in order to provide world-class services and become leaders in the industry. Going through the word meaning and definition of consultancy – the practice of giving expert advice within …

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Get Loyal Customers through SMS Marketing

Mobile advertising and SMS marketing is one of the smartest way to retain customers & build a relationship with customers because SMS marketing is the highly used communication channel. It is one of the most effective tool for marketers to drive sales and to grow an active customer base. SMS Marketing (text messaging) is the …

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SMS is the Best Medicine for communication in health care Industry

Well Said by our father of nation, Mahatma Gandhi – “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”. Health is the only wealth and to maintain your good health, health care institutes plays a vital role. For these institutes, to be in the global world and to mark their …

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