Generate Support Ticket, Billing Ticket and Sender ID Request more easy at our Interface

Announcing your latest update at the right time is the right way to catch your client’s attention because it convinces them to sit and try it. Below we show you how we have come up with the new update at MsgClub cloud-based panel and how you can use it. You’ll learn a smart way to …

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How many characters are in one sms credit ?

A single SMS includes the certain number of characters. There is a different limit for English and Unicode text messages. In this blog post, we are going to tell what is the character limit of one SMS and how credit is calculated. When you sign-in to our cloud-based bulk SMS interface, in the send SMS …

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Five benefits of Billing System in our Best Bulk SMS software

Here are the top five benefits of having billing system in our Bulk SMS Software, which are going to benefit you a lot. 1. Accessibility through Single Panel→ You can Send SMS and make billing request through our Bulk SMS Panel. Now you need not to send any mail to sales person for adding balance in your account (route). All …

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