Try Bulk SMS Service to get a 98% open rate within a click

Are you continuing to target potential customers with EDM (Electronic Direct Mail)? Let’s examine these incredible findings. Emails are opened with a respectable 20–30% opening rate, but guess what? 98% of Bulk SMS are opened, and 90% of those are read within three seconds.  Consider the possibility that readers of emails could spend hours without …

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The Beginner’s Guide to Bulk SMS Service: The Benefits & Strategies

Everything you need to know about Bulk SMS Service, how to set up campaigns for empty shopping carts, advanced targeting, SMS strategies, giveaways, and more is provided here. Table of contents: When was the last time you got an sms and didn’t open it? never happened? Every text we receive makes us want to open …

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Bulk SMS Verification: What It Is & How It Works

Each day, passwords are taken. Over 2 billion accounts have been attacked by hackers last year, or 6.85 million passwords per day and 158 per second. However, keep calm. We use Bulk SMS Service to verify because of this. For those who are unaware, SMS simply refers to texting. That’s true, bulk sms verification allows …

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