MsgClub’s Live Chat SMS add-on For Best Customer Support

Many business owners believe that live chat is another important tool to contact customers, just like email or phone. Out of 10, 8 times cases are resolved on the spot. You might be heard that quality customer service plays a crucial role in business. Customers are the key who spread the word about you and …

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Configure MsgClub Live Chat SMS Plugin Services In Easy Manner

MsgClub, India’s no.1 bulk SMS gateway provider offer an easy configuration of SMS services into Live Chat SMS Plugin. Live Chat is an online service used by several small and large organization for live support to all visitors. Many entrepreneurs use Live Chat as a single point of contact to manage customers queries and issues …

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How to Generate Auth Key To Send SMS From Google Spreadsheet Add-on

Many of the bulk SMS service providers offer different methods of sending bulk SMS. But, due to the high utilization of spreadsheet for data management our company has developed a simple solution(Google Spreadsheet Plugin) for their clients. Our team champions have made your task of sending bulk SMS Google spreadsheet Addon easier than old methods. …

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