How many characters are in one sms credit ?

A single SMS includes the certain number of characters. There is a different limit for English and Unicode text messages. In this blog post, we are going to tell what is the character limit of one SMS and how credit is calculated. When you sign-in to our cloud-based bulk SMS interface, in the send SMS …

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MsgClub DND Filter- Check up to thousands of number in a single click

DND stands for Do-not-disturb. As per the TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India), companies are not allowed to send promotional information to telecom users. Any user who has registered his/her number under DND service will not receive any unwanted marketing calls and text messages from commercials. If they receive such kind of SMS or calls …

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Incredible Benefits of sending SMS from Jaze ISPManager

Jaze ISP Manager is a software launched by Jaze Networks that enables various Internet service providers to generally manage end-to-end activities of their business. However, bulk messaging is a perfect tool for them to reach their targeted audience instantly. MsgClub provides simple Jaze ISP software ”SMS integration” that helps you to create our gateway on …

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Why use SMS API integration for Marg ERP software?

marg software

Yes, it’s quite understandable when you ask this question. We usually have seen that this is the first thing which comes to the mind of people when we ask them to use our SMS API integration with Marg ERP software. We, in this blog, are going to answer all of your queries, to quench your …

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Gently Remind Your Customers From Rapid erp Software

In this business world, people have probably been doing business with the same customers for quite some time. And we always are in need to remind them everything about company’s products/services, taxes, new launches and more. The thing goes same with the businesses who want to clear due amounts from their all customers and debtors. …

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The configuration of Jewelry Software With MsgClub Bulk SMS API

Jwelly a complete jewelry business management software is one of the best software available. Many of the jewelry businesses have been using it for years to manage their business simply. Well, in the era of the competitive market, shop owners want to start their marketing for products. Along with this, they want the best tool …

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Free Yourself From The Hassle – Send SMS API Remove Non-Printable Character From Message Content On Hit

If you deal with bulk SMS marketing, and also if you use SMS APIs for your SMS marketing campaigns, then you must have faced a situation when you have hit the API with non-printable characters in it. It is generally seen that some special characters often happen to be non-printable when sent in an SMS, …

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MsgClub’s Best Interface – Offering The Ease Of Searching Delivery Reports

Whenever we execute any SMS marketing campaign, we like to know the results whether the SMSes have been delivered or not, and, the delivery report helps us here. The MsgClub has brought to you the ease of searching any ‘Sent SMS Delivery Report’. We have added a new filter with an option to search the …

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